Covenant encourages interdisciplinary approach to research and scholarship. Our researchers from different disciplines collaborate under different clusters to address key challenges facing the society both nationally and globally. The strategy has helped the University to identify its distinctive research competencies and platforms for the establishment of centres of excellence as well as the effective utilisation of research grants and findings.
Currently, Covenant has 30 active research clusters, each with sub-clusters reflecting their different agenda, themes and strands.
The clusters include:
- Applied Physics Cluster
- Bioinformatics
- Biotechnology
- Built Environment
- Business, Energy and Politics
- Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Covenant Applied Informatics and Communication Africa Centre of Excellence (CApIC-ACE)
- Center for Economic Policy and Development Research (CEPDeR)
- Centre for Housing and Environmental Studies
- Civil Environmental and Industrialisation
- Communication and Computing
- Corrosion and Materials Science and Engineering
- Covenant University Public Health and Well-being
- Covenant University Women Development & Human Security Initiatives (CU-WDHSI)
- Environmental Sustainability Issues
- Gender, Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Hebron Start Up Lab
- Industrial Mathematics
- Information System
- New Leadership Paradigm
- Petroleum Reservoir Production & Engineering
- Plant Science
- Product Development
- Political Communication
- Power and Energy
- Public Private Partnership
- Software Engineering and Intelligent System
- Sustainable Development Research Cluster
- Sustainable Infrastructure, Emerging Technologies and Innovations
- Urban Environmental Issues and National Development.